I’ve created a system called the Mobility Manual that teaches you how to restore your strength and mobility so you can move more freely with less pain and give yourself an opportunity to move better and feel great.
Welcome! Meet the slae team
Welcome! Meet the slae team
Maverick Willett
Owner & CEO
Meet Maverick Willett, the Emotional Support Viking and head of SLAE Hormone Solutions. He was fed up with the lies and tricks in the nutrition world that were hurting women, so he decided to do something about it. His program has now helped hundreds of women lose weight, feel good about their bodies, and escape harmful dieting.

However, Maverick's mission didn't stop there. Many women, especially those over 40, were struggling with changes in their hormones, and they weren't getting the help they needed. Raised by parents who taught him about the importance of optimizing hormonal balance, Maverick knew something had to be done.

He taught himself everything he could about hormones and how they affect women's health. He learned about the difference between "normal" hormone levels and what makes women feel good. And he discovered how certain hormone treatments could make a big difference.

So, Maverick took a stand. He started SLAE Hormone Solutions to help women who were being ignored by the medical world. His goal was clear: to make SLAE the number one place in the U.S. for women to get help with their hormones.

Now, Maverick and his team at SLAE are working hard every day to make this happen. They listen to their patients, treat their symptoms, and teach them about the benefits of hormone treatment.

For Maverick, menopause shouldn’t feel like a death sentence—it's something we can understand and manage. His mission isn't just about helping women lose weight; it's about helping them live better lives.
Dr. Thierry Jacquemin
SLAE Hormone Solutions Medical Director
Introducing Dr. Thierry Jacquemin, the esteemed Medical Director of SLAE Hormone Solutions. A multi-faceted international physician, Dr. Jacquemin is a board-certified Internal Medicine expert who's spent a decade helping patients live healthier, smarter, and longer lives.

But Dr. Jacquemin's expertise extends beyond internal medicine. As a certified "Master Injector", he's a sought-after aesthetician in Miami's celebrity circles, performing everything from botox to hair transplantation with remarkable finesse.

Fluent in five languages and an alumnus of prestigious institutions like the University of Miami and NSU-COM, Dr. Jacquemin’s passion for health extends to his personal life, maintaining high athletic performance and epitomizing his philosophy of "Live Better, Smarter, and Longer".

Now practicing in the beautiful Coral Gables, Florida, Dr. Jacquemin brings this dedication and breadth of knowledge to his role at SLAE Hormone Solutions.
Casey Thompson
SLAE Hormone Solutions Practitioner
Meet Casey Thompson, a key member of the SLAE Hormone Solutions team. Casey is a board-certified Nurse Practitioner who specializes in Functional Medicine, including hormone replacement.

A graduate of United States University, Casey earned her Master's as a Nurse Practitioner in Family Medicine in 2020, and she's licensed to practice in Florida. Her experience spans across the medical spectrum, having collaborated with both traditional and holistic medical doctors to offer comprehensive patient care.

Not limited to conventional treatments, Casey has hands-on experience prescribing both pharmaceutical and plant-based hormones. Her diverse expertise and compassionate approach to patient care make her an invaluable asset to the SLAE Hormone Solutions family.
Jason Chertoff
SLAE Hormone Solutions M.D., M.P.H.
Jason is a physician board certified in Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Medicine, Critical Care Medicine, Neurocritical Care Medicine, and Obesity Medicine. He completed his undergraduate studies as a Biology major in 2000, Received his medical degree from Tufts University School of Medicine in 2004, and obtained a Masters in Public Health from Columbia University in 2010.

Dr. Chertoff's professional interests include management of sepsis and septic shock, ARDS, interstitial lung disease, asthma, bronchiectasis, and other lung-related pathologies.

When he's not working, Dr. Chertoff enjoys spending time with his wife and twin 7-year-old children. Dr. Chertoff brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to our team as a SLAE medical director.
dynamic client coordinator & management expert
Say hello to our dynamic client coordinator and management expert, a vital member of the SLAE Hormone Solutions family! Alexa graduated high school in 2016 and took her passion for beauty and wellness a step further by securing her cosmetology license in 2020. With over five years of experience in office coordination and management, she's the organizational powerhouse ensuring our operations run smoothly and efficiently.

But her role isn't just about keeping things in order. Embodying a fierce 'girls rule the world' attitude, she's dedicated to empowering women on their journey to wellness. She's not just part of the process; she's an integral part of every transformation story we tell. Her enthusiasm for witnessing and contributing to the positive changes SLAE Hormone Solutions brings to women's lives is infectious, and it resonates throughout our entire team.

Alexa will be your guiding light to hormonal harmony as our client coordinator at SLAE Hormone Solutions.
What Makes Our Process Stand
Out From Others…
What Makes Our Process Stand Out From Others…
Unlike the traditional approach to healthcare, which often leaves you feeling overlooked and underserved, our process begins with a different philosophy: You deserve to feel your best.

We are advocates, guides, and partners in your journey to optimal health.

Here's why our approach is radically different from others:
We listen to your experience
You are more than a set of symptoms. We understand the distress of feeling "off" and being told everything is "normal."

Our goal is for you to feel your absolute best, and that means listening to your body and adjusting treatments based on your individual experiences and symptoms.
Symptom-focused approach
Our approach is to manage and alleviate symptoms that are affecting your quality of life, rather than blindly sticking to 'normal' hormone level benchmarks.

Because even if the numbers are 'normal', if you don't feel 'normal', then something needs to change. 
We listen to your experience

You are more than a set of symptoms. We understand the distress of feeling "off" and being told everything is "normal."
Our goal is for you to feel your absolute best, and that means listening to your body and adjusting treatments based on your individual experiences and symptoms.

Symptom-focused approach

Our approach is to manage and alleviate symptoms that are affecting your quality of life, rather than blindly sticking to 'normal' hormone level benchmarks. 

Because even if the numbers are 'normal', if you don't feel 'normal', then something needs to change. 

FDA Approved Use

Our BHRT treatments adhere strictly to FDA guidelines for treating hormone deficiencies and symptoms related to it.

We provide full disclosure and transparency on the prescribed use of each hormone in your treatment plan.

We listen to your experience
You are more than a set of symptoms. We understand the distress of feeling "off" and being told everything is "normal."

Our goal is for you to feel your absolute best, and that means listening to your body and adjusting treatments based on your individual experiences and symptoms.
Symptom-focused approach
Our approach is to manage and alleviate symptoms that are affecting your quality of life, rather than blindly sticking to 'normal' hormone level benchmarks.

Because even if the numbers are 'normal', if you don't feel 'normal', then something needs to change. 

Frequently Asked Questions
Click the question to view answer
 What is BHRT?
BHRT stands for Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy. It's like giving your body a bit of a boost when it's not making enough of certain hormones. The special thing about BHRT is that the hormones we use are exactly the same as the ones your body makes. We don't use synthetic (man-made) hormones, we use bioidentical ones, which your body recognizes and can use just like the ones it produces itself.
 Is BHRT safe?
Absolutely! The hormones used in BHRT are bioidentical, which means they're exactly the same as the hormones your body naturally makes. When BHRT is done correctly, there are little to no side effects. However, as with any treatment, it's important to talk to a health professional about your individual health situation to make sure it's the best option for you.
 What can I expect from BHRT?
Every person's body responds a little differently, but many women find that they start to feel better after about 3 to 6 months. Some benefits you might notice include better sleep, more energy, improved mood, healthier hair and nails, and less body fat. Plus, many women say their skin feels more elastic (which means it looks younger and healthier!).
 What are the benefits of BHRT?
BHRT can help improve many aspects of your life. It can increase your energy, improve your sleep, and even enhance your skin's elasticity. It can improve your mood and decrease irritability. You can also expect healthier hair and nails, a decrease in body fat, and an increase in your metabolism. In short, BHRT can help you feel like the best version of you!
 Is BHRT for me?
BHRT can be beneficial for any woman experiencing symptoms of hormonal imbalance, like mood swings, body fat gain, low energy, poor sleep, low sex drive, and others. It can also help women who are going through menopause. It's especially helpful for women aged 30 and up, but particularly those between 40 and 60.
 I've been thinking about testosterone. Can you add it to my prescription?
Right now, there's this tricky thing with federal mailing rules that stops us from adding testosterone to your prescriptions. But hang tight – we're on it and aiming to have that option available soon. In the meantime, have you heard of DHEA? It's this nifty alternative that might be right up your alley for naturally boosting those testosterone levels. If that sparks your interest, just let us know and we’re more than happy to help you explore adding DHEA to your mix.
 If I take this medication, am I at risk of growing more body hair?
No one wants to be caught off guard with unexpected hair growth, right? At SLAE, we mainly dish out estrogen and progesterone. And when you take them just as your SLAE doc recommends, you shouldn't see a sudden forest of hair appearing. Overdoing it? Well, that's a different story, which is why it's super important to follow the plan.

About DHEA - think of it as our natural way to gently nudge your testosterone levels. No worries, the levels we prescribe aren’t going to lead to any surprise hairy situations. And just so we're clear, even though too much testosterone could cause extra hair growth, we aren't in the business of handing that out.

Oh, and here's something you should know for your peace of mind. Estrogen and progesterone can actually work wonders in rejuvenating your scalp hair, making it less brittle and dry. So, in a way, these hormones can be your hair's best friend
 Will this medication make me have mood swings?
I totally get why you'd ask that! Menopause can be a roller coaster, right? A lot of those mood ups and downs come from your hormones taking a nosedive. But here's the cool part: by bumping up your hormone levels with what we provide, you should notice your mood, anxiety, and even feelings of depression getting a lot better. Everything we offer, like those yam-derived hormones and FDA-approved patches and tablets, are specially designed with you in mind. They're ace at dialing down mood disorders. So, rest easy – our goal is to help you tackle those mood swings, anxious moments, and bouts of blues.
 How long do hot flashes typically last?
Each hot flash can vary, ranging from a brief 1-minute moment to a more prolonged 15 minutes. As for how often they occur, it could be just once a day or several times in an hour. It's quite individual. Now, if you're wondering about their overall duration, most women deal with them for an average of 10 years, but it's not uncommon for some to experience them even longer, spanning decades.

How does HRT help with your hot flashes? Well, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is the top scientifically-backed solution for reducing both the intensity and frequency of these episodes.
 I'm leaning more towards testosterone therapy; can SLAE help with that?
We understand your interest with testosterone. While we do offer testosterone, we are currently limited to select states due to federal restrictions. For those of you not in those states, we do have something that might interest you: DHEA. It's a safe and natural alternative that can produce similar effects to testosterone therapy.

Curious how DHEA works? DHEA is a pro-testosterone hormone. This means that once it's in the body, it has the ability to be converted directly into testosterone. So, when you introduce DHEA, your body processes it to produce testosterone naturally.
 I've been munching on yams. Think that'll help with my hot flashes?
Oh, I see where you're coming from! But here's the scoop: While eating yams is tasty, it doesn't really boost your blood hormone levels. But get this: the hormones we provide? They're crafted from yams! Plus, you'll be glad to know they're FDA-approved, super safe, and effective. So, you're on the right track thinking about yams, just in a slightly different way!
 I'm hesitant about hormone replacement therapy. Is it linked to cancer?
It's completely understandable to have concerns, especially with some of the misleading information that's been circulated. Much of the fear stems from outdated findings from the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) study, which began three decades ago. What's critical to note is that the WHI study used hormones sourced from horse urine, a far cry from what's used today! While some treatments might still use such hormones, at SLAE, we don't. We offer bioidentical, natural HRT derived from yams, which is both FDA approved and effective. Regarding HRT's link to cancer, there's good news. Current research indicates that bioidentical HRT might actually reduce risks of certain cancers, strokes, heart diseases, bone loss, and even diabetes.
  Is this covered by insurance? 
Unfortunately, no. We operate on a cash-pay basis.
  If I change my mind, can I just cancel my subscription?
Of course! With us, you're never stuck. You can cancel whenever you want. No hard feelings.
  How soon can I expect to notice a change?
Everyone's experience varies, but many women start to feel relief within the first few weeks of treatment. However, it's essential to remember that each individual's response can differ. Your SLAE doctor can provide a more personalized timeline based on your specific needs and situation.
  Ever since hitting 40, even though I'm perimenopausal and still get monthly periods, I've gained weight despite regular exercise and a good diet. Could your treatment help with this?
Yes. As a matter of fact, jumping into HRT during perimenopause can be a game-changer. The earlier you embark on this journey, the better the results. Not only can it help curb that unexpected weight gain, but it's also been super effective in tackling other pesky perimenopausal symptoms. Plus, an added bonus: HRT has shown to help in warding off long-term health issues like diabetes, heart disease, and even certain cancers.
  If I've been through surgical menopause, can this still work for me?
Absolutely! It's important for us to know specifics, like if you've had an oophorectomy or hysterectomy. But many women who've been through surgical menopause can benefit from HRT. Our intake process dives into these details and more to ensure our SLAE doctors can give you the best care. And don't worry, before any treatment is prescribed, your assigned physician is there to chat and answer any questions. Whenever you're ready, just reach out and we're here to help!
  I'm trying to shed some pounds. Can your treatments help with that?
Oh, we absolutely get where you're coming from! Weight concerns often have a hormonal component. When it comes to treatments, HRT has been a game-changer for many in harmonizing those pesky hormones and seeing body changes. If you're curious or have any questions, just reach out to our SLAE team. We're here to guide you every step of the way!
 I'm on progesterone birth control pills already. If I go with your estrogen prescription, will I need extra progesterone from you?
It's a common misconception! The progestins in birth control aren't the same as the progesterone in SLAE's HRT. Some ladies do notice a positive change in their symptoms when they add bio-identical progesterone to the mix.
 Once I begin HRT, am I in it for the long haul? Is it just a temporary thing? How long would I need HRT?
Starting HRT doesn't mean you're tied to it forever. If you choose to stop, there's no harm done, though be aware your symptoms might make a comeback. Many women find relief with HRT and continue it for several years safely. Some even maintain a low dosage throughout their lives, but that's really based on individual medical history and doctor's advice. If you ever feel HRT isn't your cup of tea, stepping away from the medication is A-OK.
 I have lab work already. Can I use it for SLAE?
Yes! You may use pre-existing labwork rather than go through our labwork portal IF the labs were drawn in the last 90-120 days.
Additionally, the labwork MUST contain these values in order for our team to optimize your hormones (no exceptions!):
- CBC with differential
- Lipid panel with LDL/HDL ratio
- Comprehensive metabolic panel
- Estradiol (E2)
- Progesterone
- Full thyroid panel- TSH, free T3, T4 (must have FREE T3)
- DHEA-S (sulfate)
After completing your portal account creation, you’ll have the opportunity to upload your lab work if it meets these parameters and then schedule your 1-1 consult with our SLAE practitioner.
100% Free Application - Reclaim Your Life
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Frequently Asked Questions
Click the question to view answer
 What is BHRT?
BHRT stands for Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy. It's like giving your body a bit of a boost when it's not making enough of certain hormones. The special thing about BHRT is that the hormones we use are exactly the same as the ones your body makes. We don't use synthetic (man-made) hormones, we use bioidentical ones, which your body recognizes and can use just like the ones it produces itself.
 Is BHRT safe?
Absolutely! The hormones used in BHRT are bioidentical, which means they're exactly the same as the hormones your body naturally makes. When BHRT is done correctly, there are little to no side effects. However, as with any treatment, it's important to talk to a health professional about your individual health situation to make sure it's the best option for you.
 What can I expect from BHRT?
Every person's body responds a little differently, but many women find that they start to feel better after about 3 to 6 months. Some benefits you might notice include better sleep, more energy, improved mood, healthier hair and nails, and less body fat. Plus, many women say their skin feels more elastic (which means it looks younger and healthier!).
 What are the benefits of BHRT?
BHRT can help improve many aspects of your life. It can increase your energy, improve your sleep, and even enhance your skin's elasticity. It can improve your mood and decrease irritability. You can also expect healthier hair and nails, a decrease in body fat, and an increase in your metabolism. In short, BHRT can help you feel like the best version of you!
 Is BHRT for me?
BHRT can be beneficial for any woman experiencing symptoms of hormonal imbalance, like mood swings, body fat gain, low energy, poor sleep, low sex drive, and others. It can also help women who are going through menopause. It's especially helpful for women aged 30 and up, but particularly those between 40 and 60.
 Do you accept insurance?
Unfortunately, no. We operate on a cash-pay basis.