⚠️ Fed Up With Being Told 'You're Just Fine' When Deep Down You Feel Otherwise?"
Introducing SLAE Hormone Solutions
Introducing SLAE Hormone Solutions

Take control of your hormones and Reclaim Your Life

A personalized subscription features comprehensive bloodwork analysis, expertise from functional medicine doctors, and cutting-edge hormone therapies. Empowering you to look, feel, and perform your best!
A personalized subscription features comprehensive bloodwork analysis, expertise from functional medicine doctors, and cutting-edge hormone therapies. Empowering you to look, feel, and perform your best!
I’ve created a system called the Mobility Manual that teaches you how to restore your strength and mobility so you can move more freely with less pain and give yourself an opportunity to move better and feel great.
Ready to Learn What's Really Going On?
watch ThE Video Below FOR ANSWERS
Then Watch ThE Video Below FOR ANSWERS
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Ever Been Told By Your Doctors That Hormonal Changes Are Just 'Normal Aging'?
Caught in a whirlwind of mood swings?
Your jeans conspiring against you?
Plagued by fatigue, brain fog, elusive sleep
or a missing-in-action sex drive?
Caught in a whirlwind 
of mood swings?
Your jeans conspiring
against you?
Plagued by fatigue, 
brain fog, elusive sleep
or a missing-in-action 
sex drive?
That Frustrating Phase of 'Feeling Off' What's Been Challenging Your Sense of Self…

It's Not All in Your Head.
That Frustrating Phase of 'Feeling Off' What's Been Challenging Your Sense of Self…

It's Not All in Your Head.
You’re not crazy, your Hormones are
You’re not crazy, your Hormones are
We get it. You've seen your doctor, time has passed… Yet the same story continues: Your symptoms persist. Feeling ignored and invisible…
You're left wondering, "Why do I feel this way when my test results were normal?"

The issue is that your doctor may not have ordered the necessary blood tests…

Or perhaps misinterpreted the results, leading them to believe you're in the clear.

But 'normal' hormone levels don't always equate to optimal health…

And It's crucial to recognize that normal test results don't always align with how you feel.
You're left wondering, "Why do I feel this way when my test results were normal?"

The issue is that your doctor may not have ordered the necessary blood tests…

Or perhaps misinterpreted the results, leading them to believe you're in the clear.

But 'normal' hormone levels don't always equate to optimal health…

And It's crucial to recognize that normal test results don't always align with how you feel.
But Don’t Lose Hope...
We’re here to help you feel better so you can reclaim your life
It’s time to put an end to feeling unheard and misunderstood.

We understand the frustration of misdiagnosed bloodwork and the confusion of navigating through 'No-Man's Land'...

That tricky phase of perimenopause where few seem to grasp what you're enduring…

But we do! How do we know? It's a common battle for women at this stage of life.

Many healthcare professionals, overwhelmed by the myriad of medical challenges they encounter, often resort to prescribing antidepressants as a quick fix for complex issues.

But let's be real…

Antidepressants are no heroes in managing the symptoms of PMS, Perimenopause, Menopause, and Hormone Deficiency.

They're not the answer you need for a condition that's more intricate than a simple mood disorder. Your hormonal balance is delicate, and a one-pill approach isn't enough for the holistic treatment you deserve.

So, what's the real solution to improve your health and bid farewell to those persistent symptoms?
Introducing Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Or ‘Bhrt’
Introducing Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Or ‘Bhrt’
your personalized pathway to optimal hormonal balance and well-being
With BHRT, or Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, you can experience a healthier, more vibrant life.
More Energy and 
Improved Mood
Easing Menstrual 
Reveal Radiant, 
Youthful Skin
More Energy and 
Improved Mood
Easing Menstrual 
Reveal Radiant, 
Youthful Skin
Enhanced Focus 
and Memory
Wave Goodbye to Hot Flashes and Night Sweats
Balanced Weight 
and Health
Enhanced Focus 
and Memory
Wave Goodbye to Hot
Flashes and Night Sweats
Balanced Weight 
and Health
Shield Your Bones against Osteoporosis 
Quality of Life
Reignite Your Passion with Increased Libido
Shield Your Bones 
against Osteoporosis 
Quality of Life
Reignite Your Passion 
with Increased Libido
100% Free Application - Reclaim Your Life
what clients have to say
Here's What One of Our Clients, Halle, Has to Say About Us…
Imagine having a practitioner you can text anytime, and a team that checks in on you even when you don't ask.
That's the kind of support that we can provide to you.

Halle said it best:

“It's like we're all a team working together to help me out here. You know how good that feels to finally have somebody on your side.”

So, if you’re worried about getting the support you need…
We offer you unwavering support. Our team is dedicated to being there for you every step of the way.

With SLAE, you're not just another patient, you're part of a family that genuinely cares about your well-being.
Imagine Sleeping Through The Entire Night And NOT Waking Up Hot And Sweaty.
Look, we understand how night sweats and hot flashes can disrupt your sleep and overall quality of life.

Imagine the relief of sleeping through the night without these interruptions. Hallie experienced this firsthand.

Aside from that, she also saw some improvement in her thyroid function and weight loss:
'When it comes to my thyroid too, as of today, I've lost 25 pounds, but most of it has happened. You know, I did the three months, and now it's starting to come off regularly. I did my measurements this morning, and I lost an inch on my waist, since we've started.'
Get Back To Feeling Good In Your Own Skin Again And No Longer Falling Victim To Your Hormones.
While going through this page, you must be wondering if you'll really notice a difference in your health.

After all, you've been struggling for so long that it's hard to imagine feeling any different.

But what if you could wake up one day and realize that your anxiety has eased, your blood pressure is normal, and your triglycerides are where they should be?
What if you could experience a profound change in your overall well-being? 

Hallie felt this remarkable change in her own body. 

She didn't just feel a little better — she felt transformed.

Her anxiety levels dropped, her blood pressure normalized, and her triglycerides went from high to normal.

These changes weren't just numbers on a lab report—they were life-changing improvements that made her feel like herself again.
For The First Time In 10 Years, Maybe Even 15, Halle Got Her Sex Drive Back.
Halle's story is one many can relate to. As a busy mom taking care of teenagers, the last thing she thought about was her sexual health.

Exhaustion from daily responsibilities left her feeling depleted, with no energy or desire left for herself.

The idea of regaining vitality seemed distant and almost impossible.
But with SLAE Hormone Solutions, Halle experienced a profound change…

She rediscovered a part of herself she thought was lost forever.
100% Free Application - Reclaim Your Life
what mav's mom has to say
Mavericks Mom has been on BHRT for 20 years!
I Call This System… 
The Mobility Manual
This system helps you live an active lifestyle with little to no pain. And I’ve used it not only for myself, but also for hundreds of people that I’ve closely worked with.
The Big Question: Is BHRT Safe?
We believe in transparency, and that involves discussing synthetic versus bio-identical hormones. 
BHRT (Bioidentical)
SHRT (Synthetic)
What is it?
 These are hormones that have the exact same chemical structure as the hormones our body makes.
 These are man-made hormones that don't have the same chemical structure as our body's hormones, but our body can still use them.
What are the Benefits?
 BHRT can be a game-changer for women dealing with mood swings, lackluster skin, cardiovascular concerns, and frail bones, while also kick-starting metabolism. Additionally, it can boost sexual function, potentially ward off breast cancer, optimize insulin sensitivity, and might even protect against neurological conditions like Alzheimer's.
 Might help with some hormone issues, but not as many benefits as BHRT.
Risks/Side Effects
 Few or no side effects are reported.

One of the key reasons BHRT has few or no side effects is that it uses bioidentical hormones, which are molecularly identical to those your body naturally produces.

This similarity ensures they're recognized by your body, allowing them to seamlessly integrate into your physiological processes without causing disruptions.
 More side effects reported because they're not exactly like the body's own hormones.

SHRT could up your odds of dealing with things like heart issues, strokes, breast cancer, osteoporosis, and even gallbladder disease. On top of that, it's not uncommon for patients to run into mental health challenges, experience irregular or heavy periods, and encounter some side effects like bloating, headaches, feeling queasy, retaining fluid, and tenderness in the chest.
 No, because they are identical to our body's own hormones.
 Yes, because they are different from our body's hormones.
Main Goal
 To make you feel your best by using hormones just like your body's own.
 To replace hormones, but not exactly the same as your body's own.
Effect on Health
 Can improve a lot of different aspects of health and wellbeing, such as energy, mood, weight loss, etc.
 May help with hormone issues but may also have more side effects.
 Bloodwork $70-$100 depending on your stage of life, Consult with Hormone Practitioner $200 (includes an entire year of follow up consultations), Monthly Personalized Hormones Packages to fit your Specific Needs Starting at $250 - Cancel Anytime with 30 Days Notice
 You may be saving a few dollars every month going with the synthetic option, but is it worth the health complications & Harms outlined above?
Bio-identical estradiol, unlike synthetic estrogen, doesn't carry the same risks (which we will walk through in our consultation). We only use bio-identical hormones. We’re staying clear of synthetics.
100% Free Application - Reclaim Your Life
I Call This System… 
The Mobility Manual
This system helps you live an active lifestyle with little to no pain. And I’ve used it not only for myself, but also for hundreds of people that I’ve closely worked with.
The Big Question: 
Is BHRT Safe?
We believe in transparency, and that involves discussing synthetic versus bio-identical hormones. 
 BHRT (Bioidentical)
What is it?
 These are hormones that have the exact same chemical structure as the hormones our body makes.
What are the Benefits?
 BHRT can be a game-changer for women dealing with mood swings, lackluster skin, cardiovascular concerns, and frail bones, while also kick-starting metabolism. Additionally, it can boost sexual function, potentially ward off breast cancer, optimize insulin sensitivity, and might even protect against neurological conditions like Alzheimer's.
Risks/Side Effects
 Few or no side effects are reported.

One of the key reasons BHRT has few or no side effects is that it uses bioidentical hormones, which are molecularly identical to those your body naturally produces.
This similarity ensures they're recognized by your body, allowing them to seamlessly integrate into your physiological processes without causing disruptions.
 No, because they are identical to our body's own hormones.
Main Goal
 To make you feel your best by using hormones just like your body's own.
Effect on Health
 Can improve a lot of different aspects of health and wellbeing, such as energy, mood, weight loss, etc.
 Bloodwork $70-$100 depending on your stage of life, Consult with Hormone Practitioner $200 (includes an entire year of follow up consultations), Monthly Personalized Hormones Packages to fit your Specific Needs Starting at $250 - Cancel Anytime with 30 Days Notice
 SHRT (Synthetic)
What is it?
 These are man-made hormones that don't have the same chemical structure as our body's hormones, but our body can still use them.
What are the Benefits?
 Might help with some hormone issues, but not as many benefits as BHRT.
Risks/Side Effects
 More side effects reported because they're not exactly like the body's own hormones.

SHRT could up your odds of dealing with things like heart issues, strokes, breast cancer, osteoporosis, and even gallbladder disease. On top of that, it's not uncommon for patients to run into mental health challenges, experience irregular or heavy periods, and encounter some side effects like bloating, headaches, feeling queasy, retaining fluid, and tenderness in the chest.
 Yes, because they are different from our body's hormones.
Main Goal
 To replace hormones, but not exactly the same as your body's own.
Effect on Health
 May help with hormone issues but may also have more side effects.
 You may be saving a few dollars every month going with the synthetic option, but is it worth the health complications & Harms outlined above?
Bio-identical estradiol, unlike synthetic estrogen, doesn't carry the same risks (which we will walk through in our consultation). We only use bio-identical hormones. We’re staying clear of synthetics.
Bio-identical estradiol, unlike synthetic estrogen, doesn't carry the same risks (which we will walk through in our consultation). We only use bio-identical hormones. We’re staying clear of synthetics.
How It Works:
BHRT Is A 4-Step Process...
BHRT Is A 4-Step Process...
Step One:
Check Your Eligibility
Simply click the button below to apply and find out if you're eligible.

Our process begins with assessing your suitability for our specialized health approach.

This step involves an easy application to collect essential information about your health status. After approval, we'll conduct an in-depth review of your health history, comprehensive blood testing, and a detailed physical examination
Step two:
Establish Your Health Baseline
Our process for obtaining essential bloodwork is designed to be straightforward and stress-free, focusing on pinpointing your unique hormonal needs to enhance your overall health.

Here’s how it works: Order customized lab tests, specifically selected for your age group easily. Visit a local lab for a quick blood draw, at a fee of $70- $100 Depending on stage of life.

Our experts will decode your results, providing deep insights into your hormone balance. Using this information, we develop a plan uniquely suited to elevate your health and vitality.
Step three:
Get A Personalized Plan Tailored To Your Body
After reviewing your health profile, you’ll have a comprehensive video consultation with our Nurse Practitioner (NP) and medical team to discuss your personalized plan.

Our focus? A deep dive into your hormonal balance, covering areas often overlooked in standard healthcare. Together, we'll develop a tailored plan just for you.

The best part? Your plan is adaptable, and evolves with you. We’re dedicated to consistent monitoring and adjustments, ensuring it always meets your body’s needs.
Step four:
Hassle-Free Delivery of Your Personalized Treatment
Upon arrival of your personalized treatment at your doorstep, your journey with us truly begins.

We stay actively involved, ensuring your hormones are optimally balanced and you start feeling the difference. And remember, hormonal optimization is an ongoing process, not a one-time fix.

That’s why we'll work closely with you over the next 3 to 6 months, fine-tuning your treatment in response to your evolving symptoms and progress. The key to success lies in patience and persistence; the longer we optimize, the better your results.

Trust us, you won't settle for "normal" once you've experienced the incredible quality of life waiting for you.
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What Makes Our Process Stand
Out From Others…
What Makes Our Process Stand Out From Others…
Unlike the traditional approach to healthcare, which often leaves you feeling overlooked and underserved, our process begins with a different philosophy: You deserve to feel your best.

We are advocates, guides, and partners in your journey to optimal health.

Here's why our approach is radically different from others:
We listen to your experience

You are more than a set of symptoms. We understand the distress of feeling "off" and being told everything is "normal."
Our goal is for you to feel your absolute best, and that means listening to your body and adjusting treatments based on your individual experiences and symptoms.

Symptom-focused approach

Our approach is to manage and alleviate symptoms that are affecting your quality of life, rather than blindly sticking to 'normal' hormone level benchmarks. 

Because even if the numbers are 'normal', if you don't feel 'normal', then something needs to change. 

FDA Approved Use

Our BHRT treatments adhere strictly to FDA guidelines for treating hormone deficiencies and symptoms related to it.

We provide full disclosure and transparency on the prescribed use of each hormone in your treatment plan.

We listen to your experience
You are more than a set of symptoms. We understand the distress of feeling "off" and being told everything is "normal."

Our goal is for you to feel your absolute best, and that means listening to your body and adjusting treatments based on your individual experiences and symptoms.
Symptom-focused approach
Our approach is to manage and alleviate symptoms that are affecting your quality of life, rather than blindly sticking to 'normal' hormone level benchmarks.

Because even if the numbers are 'normal', if you don't feel 'normal', then something needs to change. 

We listen to your experience
You are more than a set of symptoms. We understand the distress of feeling "off" and being told everything is "normal."

Our goal is for you to feel your absolute best, and that means listening to your body and adjusting treatments based on your individual experiences and symptoms.
Symptom-focused approach
Our approach is to manage and alleviate symptoms that are affecting your quality of life, rather than blindly sticking to 'normal' hormone level benchmarks.

Because even if the numbers are 'normal', if you don't feel 'normal', then something needs to change. 
100% Free Application - Reclaim Your Life
Frequently Asked Questions
Click the question to view answer
 What is BHRT?
BHRT stands for Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy. It's like giving your body a bit of a boost when it's not making enough of certain hormones. The special thing about BHRT is that the hormones we use are exactly the same as the ones your body makes. We don't use synthetic (man-made) hormones, we use bioidentical ones, which your body recognizes and can use just like the ones it produces itself.
 Is BHRT safe?
Absolutely! The hormones used in BHRT are bioidentical, which means they're exactly the same as the hormones your body naturally makes. When BHRT is done correctly, there are little to no side effects. However, as with any treatment, it's important to talk to a health professional about your individual health situation to make sure it's the best option for you.
 What can I expect from BHRT?
Every person's body responds a little differently, but many women find that they start to feel better after about 3 to 6 months. Some benefits you might notice include better sleep, more energy, improved mood, healthier hair and nails, and less body fat. Plus, many women say their skin feels more elastic (which means it looks younger and healthier!).
 What are the benefits of BHRT?
BHRT can help improve many aspects of your life. It can increase your energy, improve your sleep, and even enhance your skin's elasticity. It can improve your mood and decrease irritability. You can also expect healthier hair and nails, a decrease in body fat, and an increase in your metabolism. In short, BHRT can help you feel like the best version of you!
 Is BHRT for me?
BHRT can be beneficial for any woman experiencing symptoms of hormonal imbalance, like mood swings, body fat gain, low energy, poor sleep, low sex drive, and others. It can also help women who are going through menopause. It's especially helpful for women aged 30 and up, but particularly those between 40 and 60.
 I've been thinking about testosterone. Can you add it to my prescription?
Yes! Although federal regulations are more stringent around this hormone, we are licensed to offer it in the states our team is serving
 If I take this medication, am I at risk of growing more body hair?
No one wants to be caught off guard with unexpected hair growth, right? At SLAE, we mainly dish out estrogen and progesterone. And when you take them just as your SLAE doc recommends, you shouldn't see a sudden forest of hair appearing. Overdoing it? Well, that's a different story, which is why it's super important to follow the plan.

About DHEA - think of it as our natural way to gently nudge your testosterone levels. No worries, the levels we prescribe aren’t going to lead to any surprise hairy situations. And just so we're clear, even though too much testosterone could cause extra hair growth, we aren't in the business of handing that out.

Oh, and here's something you should know for your peace of mind. Estrogen and progesterone can actually work wonders in rejuvenating your scalp hair, making it less brittle and dry. So, in a way, these hormones can be your hair's best friend
 Will this medication make me have mood swings?
I totally get why you'd ask that! Menopause can be a roller coaster, right? A lot of those mood ups and downs come from your hormones taking a nosedive. But here's the cool part: by bumping up your hormone levels with what we provide, you should notice your mood, anxiety, and even feelings of depression getting a lot better. Everything we offer, like those yam-derived hormones and FDA-approved patches and tablets, are specially designed with you in mind. They're ace at dialing down mood disorders. So, rest easy – our goal is to help you tackle those mood swings, anxious moments, and bouts of blues.
 How long do hot flashes typically last?
Each hot flash can vary, ranging from a brief 1-minute moment to a more prolonged 15 minutes. As for how often they occur, it could be just once a day or several times in an hour. It's quite individual. Now, if you're wondering about their overall duration, most women deal with them for an average of 10 years, but it's not uncommon for some to experience them even longer, spanning decades.

How does HRT help with your hot flashes? Well, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is the top scientifically-backed solution for reducing both the intensity and frequency of these episodes.
 I'm leaning more towards testosterone therapy; can SLAE help with that?
We understand your interest with testosterone. While we do offer testosterone, we are currently limited to select states due to federal restrictions. For those of you not in those states, we do have something that might interest you: DHEA. It's a safe and natural alternative that can produce similar effects to testosterone therapy.

Curious how DHEA works? DHEA is a pro-testosterone hormone. This means that once it's in the body, it has the ability to be converted directly into testosterone. So, when you introduce DHEA, your body processes it to produce testosterone naturally.
 I've been munching on yams. Think that'll help with my hot flashes?
Oh, I see where you're coming from! But here's the scoop: While eating yams is tasty, it doesn't really boost your blood hormone levels. But get this: the hormones we provide? They're crafted from yams! Plus, you'll be glad to know they're FDA-approved, super safe, and effective. So, you're on the right track thinking about yams, just in a slightly different way!
 I'm hesitant about hormone replacement therapy. Is it linked to cancer?
It's completely understandable to have concerns, especially with some of the misleading information that's been circulated. Much of the fear stems from outdated findings from the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) study, which began three decades ago. What's critical to note is that the WHI study used hormones sourced from horse urine, a far cry from what's used today! While some treatments might still use such hormones, at SLAE, we don't. We offer bioidentical, natural HRT derived from yams, which is both FDA approved and effective. Regarding HRT's link to cancer, there's good news. Current research indicates that bioidentical HRT might actually reduce risks of certain cancers, strokes, heart diseases, bone loss, and even diabetes.
  Is this covered by insurance? 
Unfortunately, no. We operate on a cash-pay basis.
  If I change my mind, can I just cancel my subscription?
Of course! With us, you're never stuck. You can cancel whenever you want. No hard feelings.
  How soon can I expect to notice a change?
Everyone's experience varies, but many women start to feel relief within the first few weeks of treatment. However, it's essential to remember that each individual's response can differ. Your SLAE doctor can provide a more personalized timeline based on your specific needs and situation.
  Ever since hitting 40, even though I'm perimenopausal and still get monthly periods, I've gained weight despite regular exercise and a good diet. Could your treatment help with this?
Yes. As a matter of fact, jumping into HRT during perimenopause can be a game-changer. The earlier you embark on this journey, the better the results. Not only can it help curb that unexpected weight gain, but it's also been super effective in tackling other pesky perimenopausal symptoms. Plus, an added bonus: HRT has shown to help in warding off long-term health issues like diabetes, heart disease, and even certain cancers.
  If I've been through surgical menopause, can this still work for me?
Absolutely! It's important for us to know specifics, like if you've had an oophorectomy or hysterectomy. But many women who've been through surgical menopause can benefit from HRT. Our intake process dives into these details and more to ensure our SLAE doctors can give you the best care. And don't worry, before any treatment is prescribed, your assigned physician is there to chat and answer any questions. Whenever you're ready, just reach out and we're here to help!
  I'm trying to shed some pounds. Can your treatments help with that?
Oh, we absolutely get where you're coming from! Weight concerns often have a hormonal component. When it comes to treatments, HRT has been a game-changer for many in harmonizing those pesky hormones and seeing body changes. If you're curious or have any questions, just reach out to our SLAE team. We're here to guide you every step of the way!
 I'm on progesterone birth control pills already. If I go with your estrogen prescription, will I need extra progesterone from you?
It's a common misconception! The progestins in birth control aren't the same as the progesterone in SLAE's HRT. Some ladies do notice a positive change in their symptoms when they add bio-identical progesterone to the mix.
 Once I begin HRT, am I in it for the long haul? Is it just a temporary thing? How long would I need HRT?
Starting HRT doesn't mean you're tied to it forever. If you choose to stop, there's no harm done, though be aware your symptoms might make a comeback. Many women find relief with HRT and continue it for several years safely. Some even maintain a low dosage throughout their lives, but that's really based on individual medical history and doctor's advice. If you ever feel HRT isn't your cup of tea, stepping away from the medication is A-OK.
 I have lab work already. Can I use it for SLAE?
Yes! You may use pre-existing labwork rather than go through our labwork portal IF the labs were drawn in the last 90-120 days.
Additionally, the labwork MUST contain these values in order for our team to optimize your hormones (no exceptions!):
- CBC with differential
- Lipid panel with LDL/HDL ratio
- Comprehensive metabolic panel
- Estradiol (E2)
- Progesterone
- Full thyroid panel- TSH, free T3, T4 (must have FREE T3)
- DHEA-S (sulfate)
After completing your portal account creation, you’ll have the opportunity to upload your lab work if it meets these parameters and then schedule your 1-1 consult with our SLAE practitioner.
 How are my hormones delivered?
At SLAE, we prioritize a hassle-free experience for your hormone therapy. Our unique ordering system ensures your prescriptions are refilled and delivered on time, every time.

How it works:
   1. Initial 70-Day Supply: After your consultation, we provide a 70-day supply of your hormones, though you only pay for 30 days.
   2. Automatic Refills: Every 30 days, we automatically charge you for the next 30-day supply and place a refill order with our pharmacy on day 56.
   3. Ample Lead Time: This 14-day lead time allows our pharmacy to seamlessly refill and ship your prescription before you run out.

Our streamlined process minimizes fulfillment errors and eliminates gaps in your treatment. Just sit back and let SLAE handle the rest - your hormones will arrive promptly, month after month.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Click the question to view answer
 Are SLAE’s treatments FDA-approved?
The FDA has approved medical treatments containing bioidentical hormones that mimic the hormones made naturally in the body. SLAE treatments are formulated using ingredients sourced from FDA-registered facilities.

Our hormones are compounded in compounding pharmacies in order to create the exact prescription your SLAE physician has written for you. Compounding is a practice in which different ingredients found in FDA-approved medicines are combined to create medications that meet the needs of individual patients. Currently, once FDA-approved ingredients are combined, they can no longer be labeled FDA-approved, since the FDA does not regulate compounding. This means that while some of our products are not labeled FDA-approved, they are formulated with ingredients from FDA-registered sources.
 Does SLAE BHRT benefit women in surgical menopause?
Surgical menopause occurs when the ovaries are surgically removed, resulting in a sudden and significant drop in hormone levels. This can lead to severe symptoms and increased risks for cardiovascular problems and osteoporosis. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can help alleviate these symptoms and mitigate the detrimental effects of estrogen deficiency. It is recommended to start BHRT early, as it can reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular problems. Women who have undergone surgical menopause may require higher doses of hormones to manage their symptoms effectively. Anxiety is a common symptom of the menopause transition, and hormonal changes can have a significant impact on brain function.
 Is it normal to have weird dreams on BHRT?
It is normal to have strange dreams and even panic attacks while taking certain medications, including progesterone. Following your SLAE practitioner’s guidelines and the guidelines outlined on your medication package, changing the medication's timing should solve the problem.
 Is Acne normal with BHRT?
While uncommon, there are typically three categories of women who experience acne during menopause. The first category includes women who develop acne due to their perimenopausal or menopausal state because of the fluctuations in hormone levels, similar to puberty. The second category consists of women who develop acne when they begin hormone replacement therapy or change their dose. The abrupt change in hormone levels can stimulate the glands and cause acne, but it usually goes away quickly as the body adjusts to the new levels. The third category of women includes those who have a history of acne and not necessarily due to menopause, but hormone replacement therapy can still benefit them by keeping the hormones at a stable level.

There are 3 reasons why acne may occur during the perimenopause and menopause transition for women on hormone placement therapy: The first reason is due to fluctuations in hormone levels, but the acne usually goes away fairly quickly once the body becomes stable again. The second reason is due to glands becoming healthy again on hormone replacement therapy, and while it improves the skin's appearance, it can lead to acne if the glands get clogged. The final reason is due to a rare occurrence where the skin becomes thin and the glands become inactive, but hormone replacement therapy improves the skin and makes it young and healthy again, causing some of the glands to become healthy and produce acne. If acne symptoms worsen, we suggest women speak with a dermatologist or a doctor to find a suitable treatment for acne and to make an informed decision about whether they want to continue hormone replacement therapy.
 I’m younger than 60 but post menopausal. Is BHRT beneficial for me?
It is safe to start hormone replacement therapy (HRT) even a year after menopause if the person is under 60. The cutoff age of 60 is related to the cardiovascular effects of HRT. Even if someone hasn't had their period for 10 years, they can still safely start HRT. However, HRT usually does not restart periods, although occasionally it may happen for the first month or two before ceasing again.

For appropriately screened patients that start HRT before 60, there is a cardiovascular benefit, decreased risk of osteoporosis and osteopenia, decreased risk of colon cancer, and increased life expectancy. There are also continued benefits for vaginal and urinary health, including helping with dryness, pain during intercourse, incontinence, and preventing UTIs.
 Is it normal to get regular periods since starting BHRT?
There are no safety risks associated with stopping HRT. The only potential side effect is the possibility of experiencing a period due to the sudden withdrawal of hormones. However, this is not considered dangerous and there is no need to gradually reduce the dosage. It is safe to stop HRT abruptly if desired or necessary.
 Is spotting normal on BHRT?
Breakthrough bleeding during bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is the result of the lining of the uterus responding to hormones. The uterus prepares for pregnancy by thickening its lining, and when pregnancy does not occur, the lining is shed during menstruation. With BHRT, the body may become confused about where it is in this process, leading to breakthrough spotting or bleeding. This is usually temporary and resolves on its own. However, if the bleeding continues irregularly for several months, it may be necessary to adjust the BHRT dose, either decreasing or increasing it. Consult with your SLAE practitioner to determine the appropriate adjustment.
 How is SLAE different from an in-person doctor visit or other websites?
The average in-person patient-doctor visit lasts 16 minutes, and often leaves doctors feeling rushed and unable to spend sufficient time with patients. With SLAE Hormone Solutions, our hormone practitioners have the opportunity to engage in ongoing conversations with patients, answering their questions and providing thorough explanations. This allows us to ensure that patients understand their treatment plans and the benefits. Through this platform, we are able to truly make a difference in our clients’ lives. Additionally, our philosophy is to treat symptoms instead of numbers. We understand that the reference ranges on bloodwork don’t often correlate with your quality of life, and our team of practitioners will optimize hormones on an individual level according to how you feel over time during BHRT. Simply put, we know that “normal” does not mean optimal, and we will ensure that our clients hormonally thrive regardless of the stage of life they’re in.
 I take progesterone birth control pills. Do I need progesterone through SLAE?
It’s important to understand that the synthetic progestins in birth control are very different from the bioidentical progesterone used in SLAE BHRT, some women do find improvement in their symptoms from the additional bioidentical progesterone we provide.

When completing your intake questionnaire, there’s a place to leave special notes for your SLAE practitioner to review and determine the appropriate treatment. Also, once you complete onboarding, you can also message your practitioner from the client portal at any time.
 How do you determine each person's hormonal needs?
At SLAE, we don’t cut corners when it comes to our clients’ health and well-being. We firmly believe that without bloodwork it is impossible to determine which hormones need to be optimized and the appropriate dosage for each individual. We understand that there are companies that “skip” blood work in an effort to get more business, and we believe that this practice is unethical and not individualized.

After completing your intake questionnaire, you will be directed to our lab work portal where you’ll be able to seamlessly order your digital lab work requisition or the convenience to choose to have a mobile phlebotomist come to your home to perform the blood draw. We understand that you may already have lab work from another practice, but we require a specific hormone panel so we can precisely analyze the correct hormones that will impact your health and quality of life. We make the lab work process effortless, and you will be provided instructions every step of the way.

Once we receive your lab work results, you will immediately be notified within the client portal and via email to schedule your 1-1 zoom consultation with your SLAE practitioner.
 How long until I'll notice a difference with SLAE BHRT?
Your doctor can give you a more detailed response because symptoms and their severity vary, but generally speaking, hormone normalization takes time and is a process, bio-identical HRT is not a magic pill, healthy habits are still important. Most women experience relief from treatment within the first few weeks, while some women notice a difference with weight loss and skin improvements after about three months of taking the treatment.
 Can SLAE BHRT assist with weight gain?
The best way to decide if treatment is right for you is to have a consultation with one of our SLAE doctors. Your SLAE doctor will review your medical history, address any questions or concerns you have, and request more information (if necessary) in order to prescribe the best treatment and dosage for you. As far as treatments go, SLAE BHRT balances your hormones so you can see improvement in your symptoms, including hormonal weight gain.
  How does this product help with the symptoms of menopause?
You can find relief from symptoms like disturbed sleep, mood swings, hot flashes, weight gain, and more by starting hormone replacement therapy and supplementing the vital hormones your body is producing in smaller amounts. Your SLAE doctor will recommend the best treatment option, along with the appropriate dosage, and they will be able to answer any specific medical questions.
  How long do hot flashes typically last?
A single hot flash might last anywhere from one to fifteen minutes, but every woman is different. There is a wide spectrum of what is considered "normal," ranging from having no hot flashes at all to having several hourly.

The same holds true for how much time you may anticipate spending with them. Although many women endure hot flashes for decades, the typical woman will experience them for ten years.
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is the most reliable method for reducing the frequency and severity of hot flashes.
  Will taking HRT assist with my urinary problems?
Many women are unaware that incontinence and bladder leaks are relatively frequent symptoms associated with menopause. By utilizing bioidentical HRT, many women have had significant success in minimizing leaks and UTIs.
  Does HRT cause mood swings?
Mood swings are actually a very typical menopause transition symptom brought on by the hormone imbalances that take place during this period. Your mood swings should lessen when you use HRT to supplement your body's natural hormone levels. Even some women's anxiety and despair seem to be getting better. Winona's HRT contains bioidentical hormones that are effective at enhancing happiness and mental wellness.
  Can I take HRT if I smoke? 
Smoking is not a contraindication to using HRT, however if you want to greatly improve your health overall, we urge you to quit.

The fact that smokers can safely take hormone replacement therapy despite the fact that combination birth control tablets are not advised for those over 35 who smoke often raises questions. The distinction is due to the various hormones employed and their relative dosages.

The bioidentical hormones used in SLAE HRT have been determined to have less dangers and negative effects than the synthetic hormones contained in birth control tablets. Further reducing the hazards connected with estrogen and smoking is the fact that the hormone dose in HRT is substantially lower than even the lowest-dose birth control pill.

  Is it too late to start HRT at age 59?
The ideal window for starting hormone replacement treatment (HRT) is within ten years of the end of menopause and before the age of sixty. Starting HRT after age 60 may not have the same benefits and may even cause problems, especially for those with pre-existing medical disorders. On the other hand, beginning HRT before age 60 has been associated with a longer life span.
 When should I start HRT during my menstrual cycle?
It is safe to start bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (HRT) before and after the age of 60. If HRT is initiated prior to the age of 60, it can be safely continued even into one's 60s and beyond. This view is backed by various reputable medical organizations such as the American Medical Association and the North American Menopause Society. It is generally considered safe to start HRT before the age of 60 and continue it as necessary.
 If I leave my prescription in hot temperature, will it still work?
Although we do advise keeping your prescription indoors and away from heat sources and direct sunshine, our HRT drug is heat-stable up to 150 degrees Fahrenheit.
 How is SLAE different from other healthcare websites?
Answers to your inquiries about menopause are provided by SLAE using the most recent, scientific data. We can assist you in taking charge of your menopause journey by utilizing our years of experience and providing the best care.

SLAE providers, who concentrate on menopause wellness, health, and regenerative therapies, are available to assist you online at any time. They are eager to learn about your worries, and if necessary, they can give you effective medicine prescriptions. You can receive a diagnosis and a prescription for a specific drug to treat your menopause symptoms in just one online visit. Our SLAE pharmacies can fill your prescription and bring it right to your house. Avoid going to the doctor's office any longer!
 When I reach the age of 60, can I restart HRT?
If you have already started HRT and are over 60, it is generally safe to continue. The safety of restarting HRT after reaching 60 if you had previously stopped depends on how long you had been taking it and how long you had been off it. Cardiovascular issues are more likely to occur the older you are and the longer you have been off HRT. HRT restart decisions are decided on an individual basis. It is important to remember that starting HRT for the first time after age 60 carries a higher risk of cardiovascular problems.
 How soon after a hysterectomy do you advise beginning treatment?
Waiting is unnecessary, and if you're feeling terrible, you've already waited enough. HRT is safe, effective, and can significantly improve a person's quality of life after having a hysterectomy.
 I believe I am merely in the perimenopause stage. Is it too soon to start HRT?
Starting HRT during perimenopause is strongly advised. It is best to start your HRT therapies as soon as possible. You can get ahead of the many symptoms that frequently appear over the full menopause transition by starting early.

HRT procedures have a significant impact on the management of symptoms and the prevention of chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, and some forms of cancer.
 Is HRT a lifetime commitment if you start it?
The average woman uses HRT for five years. HRT is safe for as long as it is required to treat symptoms. In general, SLAE advises stopping medication after two to three years to assess how you feel. It's a good idea to cease the treatment if you feel great without it. You can restart your medication if your symptoms come back. You can keep doing trial pauses every few years.
HRT can be stopped at any moment without having negative effects. Since HRT makes most women feel better, they can safely continue taking it for a number of years. However, discontinuing the drug is totally safe if you decide it's not for you.
 I’m afraid of hormone replacement therapy. Is there a risk of cancer?
Based on outdated information that was published by the Women's Health Initiative (WHI), many people have concerns about HRT. Unfortunately, despite the WHI researchers' best efforts, the study's inaccurate material is still being spread online. In the WHI study, which started 30 years ago, hormones were obtained from the urine of pregnant horses.

SLAE does not prescribe Premarin, although some doctors continue to do so. SLAE recommends plant-based, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (HRT).
Regarding the claim that hormone replacement therapy causes cancer, research has revealed that women taking bioidentical HRT may actually experience a lower risk of some malignancies, stroke, heart disease, bone loss, and diabetes.

There are risks, of course, and your SLAE doctor will make sure to look over your health history for any potential problems. However, only one in ten thousand women actually face a major health risk.
 I’m afraid of hormone replacement therapy. Is there a risk of cancer?
Based on outdated information that was published by the Women's Health Initiative (WHI), many people have concerns about HRT. Unfortunately, despite the WHI researchers' best efforts, the study's inaccurate material is still being spread online. In the WHI study, which started 30 years ago, hormones were obtained from the urine of pregnant horses.

SLAE does not prescribe Premarin, although some doctors continue to do so. SLAE recommends plant-based, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (HRT).
Regarding the claim that hormone replacement therapy causes cancer, research has revealed that women taking bioidentical HRT may actually experience a lower risk of some malignancies, stroke, heart disease, bone loss, and diabetes.

There are risks, of course, and your SLAE doctor will make sure to look over your health history for any potential problems. However, only one in ten thousand women actually face a major health risk.
 Are these considered bioidentical hormones?
Yes. Our HRT is produced with natural, bioidentical hormones, derived from plants.
 I am already on hormone treatments. How is SLAE different?
We cannot compare our products to those we are not familiar with, but we do believe that they are superior in terms of effectiveness, safety, and price. All of our medications are bioidentical, which means they work in a similar manner to those created by your body. The FDA has approved the tablets, and our compounding pharmacy uses FDA-approved ingredients to make our lotions and patches to your doctor's requirements and dose.

SLAE offers a personalized experience to ensure that you receive therapy that is specifically catered to you. Many OTC remedies don't include the proper hormones or dosages that your body might need. In addition, we offer the comfort of our platform, free delivery, and 24/7 assistance from our medical staff and care team.
 Does HRT cause body hair growth?
Progesterone and estrogen are prescribed by SLAE at the proper dosages and in a variety of ways. Incorrect dosage of hormones might result in undesirable side effects like accelerated hair growth. We kindly request that patients only take hormones at the dosages advised by their SLAE doctor.

We do not directly prescribe testosterone, but we do provide DHEA, a moderate method of raising testosterone levels. DHEA is administered at clinically safe and suitable amounts, thus excessive hair growth shouldn't occur. A woman who consumes too much testosterone may develop "hirsutism," or excessive facial hair development.
 Do I need to take both estrogen and progesterone?
Our doctors are aware that progesterone is typically required in addition to estrogen prescriptions. The function of progesterone is to maintain the uterus's health and leanness. Progesterone should be taken along with estrogen if you have a uterus to reduce the danger of an excess of uterine cells, which can result in cancer. It is typically regarded as safe to take estrogen by itself if you don't have a uterus anymore.
Frequently Asked Questions
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 What is BHRT?
BHRT stands for Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy. It's like giving your body a bit of a boost when it's not making enough of certain hormones. The special thing about BHRT is that the hormones we use are exactly the same as the ones your body makes. We don't use synthetic (man-made) hormones, we use bioidentical ones, which your body recognizes and can use just like the ones it produces itself.
 Is BHRT safe?
Absolutely! The hormones used in BHRT are bioidentical, which means they're exactly the same as the hormones your body naturally makes. When BHRT is done correctly, there are little to no side effects. However, as with any treatment, it's important to talk to a health professional about your individual health situation to make sure it's the best option for you.
 What can I expect from BHRT?
Every person's body responds a little differently, but many women find that they start to feel better after about 3 to 6 months. Some benefits you might notice include better sleep, more energy, improved mood, healthier hair and nails, and less body fat. Plus, many women say their skin feels more elastic (which means it looks younger and healthier!).
 What are the benefits of BHRT?
BHRT can help improve many aspects of your life. It can increase your energy, improve your sleep, and even enhance your skin's elasticity. It can improve your mood and decrease irritability. You can also expect healthier hair and nails, a decrease in body fat, and an increase in your metabolism. In short, BHRT can help you feel like the best version of you!
 Is BHRT for me?
BHRT can be beneficial for any woman experiencing symptoms of hormonal imbalance, like mood swings, body fat gain, low energy, poor sleep, low sex drive, and others. It can also help women who are going through menopause. It's especially helpful for women aged 30 and up, but particularly those between 40 and 60.
 Do you accept insurance?
Unfortunately, no. We operate on a cash-pay basis.
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